Saturday, January 16, 2016

Restoration of Motherhood is not an Easy Task

OO ~ If one is truly observant, one can see that the restoration of Motherhood is not an easy task. In order to restore Eve, she needed to find a way to unite with Adam. Men represent Adam, and one is clear the task must be daunting. Indeed, one would think such a task must take time. It took 4,000 biblical years to find one man, Jesus to restore Adam, and that task wasn't complete, because of the need to restore a family, tribe, culture, nation, world, cosmos and even God. So, how long would it take to restore Eve? Does one really believe it can be restored in one generation? Even True Father came and showed us how to restore Adam and Eve as the True Parents and create True Family, but does one truly believe all of that could be done in one generation? Look at your own family and think of all that would be necessary to restore one's own family. Do you think it's so easy for True Father to even show the way with his Word to restore True Family and all of us?
In the Cheon Seong Gyeong on page 1165, one has been reviewing the role of motherhood in Section 1 of Book 12 on, "The Formula for Indemnification and Restoration." In this Section one reads, "The Works of Rebecca, Tamar and Mary from the Viewpoint of the Restoration of Motherhood." The most finite point is from Section 1.1 which states, "The Fall of Eve, and Rebecca’s and Tamar’s deceptions," where it shows the course for even Mary, the mother of Jesus. Because one has been observant, one can see how difficult it is for those who practice Mariology as one's root faith. Indeed, in must be very difficult. Nevertheless, one must take the time to think about this at a whole new level.
True Father has given one so much information about this, that I am unable to share everything in this short post; however, let me get one started. Here's three excerpts from page 1165 ~
Don’t Mary and Eve resemble each
other? In the same way that Eve deceived
her future husband, and elder brother,
Adam, and God, her Father, Tamar also
followed the same pattern. The deception
of their future husbands, father-in-laws,
husbands, brothers and all siblings, was
in each case the indemnity that corresponded
to Eve’s actions. The actions of
Eve, Tamar and Mary closely resemble
each other. (213-309, 1991.1.21)
Eve deceived three men. Rebecca
also deceived three men. She deceived
God, her husband, and her son. Three
men are always deceived. Tamar also
deceived three men: her father-in-law,
and his first and second sons. Whom
did Mary deceive? God, her father, and
her future husband. It is the same pattern.
Eve deceived her father, her brother,
and her future husband. Adam was
her elder brother, and, at the same time,
her future husband. It is the same pattern.
(215-98, 1991.2.6)
In the first chapter of the Gospel
of Matthew, four great women appear.
There appear Bathsheba and Tamar.
Next, the harlot Rahab appears and then
Ruth. Four great women who had illicit
relationships. They all seemed to be
women of loose morals. They had husbands,
but they also had relationships
with other men. Were they not then,
loose women? You should read the Bible
very well at least once. Jesus could not be
born to a lawful wife. (139-311, 1986.1.31)
The Bible is a sacred scripture, but it
contains many things that are difficult
to accept. Isn’t that so? How could it be
that Jacob and Rebecca united to deceive
his brother Esau and his father Isaac,
in order to receive the blessing? Why
did Tamar have a relationship with her
father-in-law, and bear Perez and Zerah?
Why could the blessing come to the
tribe of Judah, under Perez and Zerah?
The question is why are there issues that
cannot be accepted from a human moral
In the first chapter of the Gospel of
Matthew, four great women who had
illicit relationships: Tamar, Bathsheba,
Rahab and Ruth, are listed in the genealogy
of Jesus. This gospel is the equivalent
of Genesis, but the question is, why
do the first pages of the New Testament
focus on these women, who are stained
and impure? Without understanding
the Principle view of the Fall, there is no
way to understand this. It has remained
a mystery. By searching throughout my
life, however, I have been able to answer
these questions for the first time. (211-137,

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