Thursday, November 19, 2015

IOO ~ In Genesis 1:28

IOO ~ In Genesis 1:28 it says, "Then God blessed them, and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth.”
What does the Holy Bible mean? To "be fruitful" means to find a male partner and a female partner; or in the case of humanity, a man and a woman. Then it says to "multiply." What is that all about? Everyone knows what that is about. Everyone needs to find a good partner and have a relationship built upon love. What kind of love? True Love! There is all kinds of love, today. Are you going to be responsible about love? After finding an appropriate partner, will one build a life together? The verse continues, "fill the earth and subdue it." To fill the earth one must be kind and considerate. In Judaism, one is asked to do 'acts of kindness.' God wants lots of children, who are true. Then, the Holy Bible says to "have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth." This means God wants us to be a good steward over His creation. If one does that, what will happen?
In the Book on True Love in the Cheon Seong Gyeong; or, Heaven's Holy Messages, God would want True Love, True Life and True Lineage. True Love starts from God; as, taught to us by Jesus in Matt 22:37, Mark 12:30-31 and Luke 10:27. Then one has the right to a True Life; which, is to become
True Parents, yourselves. On this foundation, one will have a True Lineage.
Amen ~ Aju!
(FB post by Lewis L Pearlman)

IOO ~ ~ ~ Many men are affected by feminism

Last night, at what those within the Unification Church calls the "Small Group Meeting," had discussions concerning feminism in general. Many men are affected by feminism. During the discussion, various topics arose about the relationships about women; especially, concerns between a husband and their children. It can be a very complex topic, indeed; as, those whom have attended the meeting discovered.
This brings to light a topic, that, I shall address today; as, I continue the exploration of the growing controversy within my own particular faith, and the present relations. This final question affect and effects, all those who are deeply involved in these very questions. To those who are involved ~
~ There is a deep discussion going on within the UC Movement, concerning this very relationship. Those around Rev. King Moon Hyungjinand his mother, Dr. Moon Hakja Han are in deep debate. There are public forums addressing this very question. Are those involved, such as myself, going to take a more sincere approach to this relationship; (and others) or, is one going to run the other way? I, for one, am not afraid of the controversy. In fact, I welcome this. Are you going to take these discussions as serious as I; or, is one going to run the other way?
Marchons! Amen ~ Aju!
(FB post by Lewis L Pearlman)

Monday, November 16, 2015

IOO ~ The French are taking on ISIS in Syria

The Reverend King Moon Hyungjin continues his reformation; The 2016 election campaign is well under way. Today is also the 6th anniversary of 'True Parents' Second Generation Blessing.' Each and everyday, one will find it is as unique, eternal, unchanging and absolute.
Family Pledge Number Eight ~
"Our family, the Owner of Cheon Il Guk,
pledges, having entered the Completed
Testament Age, to achieve the ideal of
God and human beings united in love
through absolute faith, absolute love and
absolute obedience, and to perfect the
realm of liberation and complete freedom
in the Kingdom of God on earth and in
heaven, by centering on true love."
May this day be more complete than yesterday. The Providence of God shall march on. "Marchons!" Amen ~ Aju!
(FB post by Lewis L Pearlman)

Friday, November 13, 2015

IOO ~ "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time...", Thomas Jefferson (by Lewis L Pearlman)

IOO ~ Thomas Jefferson the writer of the "Declaration of Independence" after the written "Constitution of the USA" said, "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." Jefferson, who was this new nation's third president, wrote this in Paris on 13 Nov. 1787. Is the FFWPU International going through such a time?
Clearly, the Unification Church Movement is going through this similar nature at this time. Rev. Moon Hyungjin Blessed couple as the chosen Inheritors of this movement has taken a stand against what he has observed as a form of tyranny from within. He and his brother, Justin Moon, have been given clear authority by the True Parents to have this authority. The two Moon brothers have written a Constitution in contrast to what may appear as an oligarchy type Constitution. If Cheon Il Guk is to be the wave of the future, such waves of history is necessary in this modern era.
History has proven the necessity for change from time to time. Because the True Parents have restored history, any change will be spiritual, rather than physical. All the historical changes, from the days of Adam's family until now, have been filled with blood. I will not insult the readers with the history of man. This is that time for change and it will take time. I ask that the entire family of humanity to be patient. Family Federation for World Peace and Unification is patience with the rest of humanity. I ask to do the same with the two brother's Blessed families in PA. Peace!

(FB post by Lewis L Pearlman)

Thursday, November 12, 2015

IOO ~ Happy Children's Day to all! (by Lewis L Pearlman)

Today, I want to help educate our family about this day. True Parents created True Family and True Children. Let me start off this day by introducing two True Children Blessed couples in my home state of Pennsylvania USA. In the Pocono Mountains live Moon Hyungjin and Yeonah Lee Moon. Additionally, there Is Justin Moon , better referred to as Moon Kookjin, and his lovely wife Ji-yea Park Moon. My state is truly blessed.
Last night, during Biblical Leadership Training at the Sanctuary Church, Rev. King Moon Hyungjin taught about the importance of taking at least a day away from the internet, weekly. He always loves to get out into the creation. It was suggested, that, if one does this 21 times, then habits will begin to change. Sound like very solid advice. Moses spent seven days in preparation at the foot of Mt. Sinai to receive the Ten Commandments; so, I may start my new condition on this coming Thanksgiving Day. For the edification of those who are in the international community, Thanksgiving is a very special holiday in America. Thanksgiving Day is a day on the fourth Thursday in November, started by President Abraham Lincoln.
May each one of my brothers and sisters, who are part of my global family have a very special Children's Day. There should be plenty of sermons by True Father to help understand this day. May the Lord our God bring a very special blessing to each and every home this day.
Pyeong Hwa, Salaam, Shalom and Peace!
(FB post by Lewis L Pearlman)

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

IOO ~ This morning, I have heard True Father speak to the archangel elders (by Lewis Pearlman)

IOO ~ This morning, I have heard True Father speak to the archangel elders, Yang Chang-Shik and Hwang Sun-Jo. Do people understand these men were talking about the Providence behind Father's back? That, True Father said those men are worse than an insect. One is confused about Mother. Did she learn these things from her mother, Dae Mo Min? Dae Mo Min was a very strong Christian; and, she taught Mother about Jesus and God. This is about Kim Hyo Nam. Mrs. Kim is no longer in that mission. It was KHN who created the most problems.
Kim Hyo Nam influenced Mother to dress as an empress, whom wore robes that make Mother look awkward. KHN built most of the structures, if not all, at Cheon Pyeong. CPL mountain looks like a symbol of Babylon. No wonder so many people think, that, Mother was called the 'whore of Babylon.' To me, the person who is more likely to be this 'WoB' is KHN. Her character resembles the first wife of Adam, Lilith. (from the Midrash, not the Bible) This evil fallen woman is a succubus.
True Father can only fight through those who will take a stand against much of this evil inclination. This Providence of God is upside down. If anyone truly has an understanding, please speak out, Aju!
(FB by Lewis Pearlman)

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

IOO ~ Cheon Seong Gyeong, page,60 says,

If God exists and comes to our world today, He must be a God of intellect, emotion, and will. Why? Because this is how human beings are. His intellect, emotion, and will, however, are not based on the human way but on the heavenly way. (1960.6.12)
Today, so many are acting out emotionally, It is acceptable to have emotion; however, one also has intellect and will. Both Mother and Hyung Jin Nim are human; so, they have have intellect, emotion and will.The question remains, "Is their intellectual capacity greater than emotional capacity?" Too many are act out with their emotions; rather, than intellect and will.
I ask people to stop acting out emotionally; and, start using one's intellect and will. If Mother wants us to read additional text from True Father, would it not be better to add other sources? Changing the Eight Great TextBooks is not the way, IOO. It would be better for our Mother to ask us to read another of the Word of True Father, Aju!
(FB post by Lewis Pearlman)

Sunday, November 8, 2015

IOO ~ Restoration is not an easy process

IOO ~ Restoration is not an easy process. The CSG states the following,
"When you, as a candidate, are offered the holy wine, Eve receives it first. Without Eve, the man cannot be reborn. Because the purpose of drinking the wine is restoration, Eve must receive the holy wine first, drink half of it, and then offer the remaining half to her husband. When receiving the holy wine cup, you must make a bow first, because who~In actual fact, initially, True Father must first place his hand on the women’s hands and pray.
True Father would offer the prayer of unity. When you drink the holy wine after the prayer has been said, the fallen lineage is purified. That is the condition. The ceremony of changing the lineage is like baptism in Christianity!" (1988.10.29)
Book 9 • Blessed Family
Chapter 1 • True Parents and the Blessing
Even now, everything in the Providence is rooted in the restoration of Eve. The have been three restored Adams. Why then, would it not be necessary to have three restored Eve's? To complete this process, it will take thee generations. Mother is the first, Yeonah Nin is the second; and, the third will take place in their children. As of yet, the third Eve has not been chosen. This is the way of OSDP.
If one is not sure, then I would suggest one looks in the OSDP, CSG and the Family Pledge. Between these three documents, one will find the truth, Aju!

IOO ~ Since True Mother came on May 23, 2015

IOO ~ Since True Mother came on May 23, 2015, I have been going through a personal reformation. Based on True Mother's word, I have been going through many changes. True Mother said in New York City, "Do not persecute my children, help them!" This was the same direction given to the Bishop and Reverend Edwards by True Mother.
First, I began to change my health patterns; as, I have been semi-bedridden since November 11, 2002. Around July 1, 2015, I began a 30 day study of allthe speeches from Reverend Moon Hyungjin. On July 30, 2015, after 30 days of a "Holy Fire" study of the videos of Moon Hyungjin, I decided to accept his mission; that, Moon Hyungjin Blessed couple were the Inheritor of the of True Parents. After taking time to listen to True Father in Las Vegas, NV on June 5, 2012, I accepted Kookjin Justin Moon and Hyungjin Sean Moon as the True Cain and True Abel.
So far, after approximately six months, nothing I have heard has changed my mind. I wonder why others will not accept, that, the our True Parents have appointed and ordained the two Moon brothers. Is there something I did not hear? Is there something I missed? Please write and tell me if I missed one point that was said by True Father and Mother. I do not see any reason to change. How about you. Are you ready for change? I am committed. Are you ready?

IOO ~ In accordance to the Exposition of the Divine Principle (EDP)

IOO ~ In accordance to the _Exposition of the Divine Principle (EDP)_, published in 1996, it must have been an extraordinary time to live during the Providence of Restoration in "The Period of Preparation for the Second Advent of the Messiah." (EDP, Part II, Chapter 5) "The 130-year period of the Reformation began in 1517, when Martin Luther raised the banner of the Protestant Reformation in Germany." (EDP, Part II Chapter 5, Section 1) This "The Period of the Reformation" lasted until 1648. To try to bring about reform took a long time. This further lead to "The Period of Religious and Ideological Conflicts," (EDP, Part II, Chapter 5, Section 2) from 1648 to 1789 also took time. The Period of Maturation of Politics, Economy and Ideology from 1789-1918, (EDP, Part II, Chapter 5, Section 3) also took a period of time.
Today, there are discussion about the the fact, that, True Parents anointed Reverend Moon Hyungjin and Yeonah Lee Moon as the Inheritors on April 18, 2008. This must be stunning to many. Choosing of the True Cain and True Abel by True Parents on June 5, 2012 in Las Vegas, NV must have been remarkable to some as well. Who would have expected the True Parents to appoint Kookjin Justin Moon and Hyungjin Sean Moon. This person is not surprised at all. In fact, to say I welcomed the news when I heard True Parents made these historical choices, may be an understatement.
How about you? Are you ready to receive the choices True Parents made? Please take time to digest the choices. It must have taken our True Father a period of time to decide. Equally, there must have been a period of time taken by Mother. I am ready! I pray there are others ready as well. Aju!

IOO ~ Why does there appear to be complications

IOO ~ Why does there appear to be complications between True Mother and Hyung Jin Nim? Below, is taken from the Cheon Seong Gyeong; (CSG) and, restoration always follows the Divine Principle. There is no way to avoid it. The Principle is the same from the beginning of humanity until today. One has to wait until the complete fulfillment of Providential Time Identity; which may be 6,000 years, 2,000 years, 40 years or 21 years. Do the math! The Marriage of the Lamb took place in 1960; then, after 40 years we had celebrated the Declaration of 9.9 Jeol. Now, we are waiting for the next chapter, which is in 2020. It just so happens to be the 100th birthday of True Father.
It makes no difference if one is talking about people, nations or the entire Providence of God. Everything must follow the Original Substance of Divine Principle. (OSDP) So, whether the names are Adam and Eve, Sun Myung Moon and Hak Jan Han Moon or Hyung Jin Moon and Yeonah Lee Moon, the result is exactly the same. This is why Moon Hyungjin’s Blessed couple are the chosen Inheritors of the Kingdom; when, the authority was transferred by True Parents on April 18, 2008. The same Divine Principle applied in the choosing of the True Cain and True Abel by True Parents on June 5, 2012 in Las Vegas, NV. The relationship between North and South Korea; and, Justin Moon Kookjin and Sean Moon Hyungjin are the same. The OSDP never changes.
If there are any further doubts, please pray to God; and, either True Father or Jesus will reveal the truth to you through the Holy Spirit. If you do not believe the answers from the Holy Spirit through one’s prayer; then, one would consider it to be blasphemy in accordance to the Holy Bible. (Matt 12:31 and Luke 12:10) Then you can read it in the CSG. (Pages 1595-1596 in the 2006 edition) If you do not accept what you read in the CSG, then one can always ask True Mother. Mother has never denied the fact, that, Moon Hyungjin and Yeonah Lee Moon are the Inheritors, ever! True Parents had already made these choices. Now, the choices are up to each and every individual alone; as, I have given everyone different ways to determine if what I am saying is true. Only you can decide and no one else. Aju!

IOO ~ Let us remember the daughters of Zion!

IOO ~ Let us remember the daughters of Zion! History is filled with women; which, some have been successful, and some have not. The first woman Eve failed in her mission; so, we know that our sisters had and have a very difficult beginning. Women have played many roles in history. For example, Queen Ester saved her people from a terrible tragedy. This is why the Jews celebrate Purim. Other women have been very strong like Judith, who cut off the head of a powerful general. Then, there are very special women like Tamar, who paved the way for Jesus to be born as the "only begotten son."
Today, there finally exist one woman whom has brought Eve sins to light. Thanks be to our True Mother, whom has served for over 50 years, along side the Lord of the Second Advent. Mother will have her eternal glory at her own Seong Hwa, I believe. Of course, our True Father has already had his Seong Hwa; so, history can not take a stand against him. In Jin Nim has been the President of FFWPU USA for a while. Recently, Sun Jin Nim, under Mother has been appointed as the President of FFWPU International. However, does this rise to the role of the Inheritor of the mission of True Parents?
Today, Reverend Moon Hyungjin and Yeonah Lee Moon are clearly the appointed Inheritors of the mission of True Parents. There have been plenty of videos to show you this point. All one has to do is look around. Are you ready to take a stand against the forces of evil, whom seek to destroy what our True Father has already ordained. Even True Mother agreed ~ Written, Signed and Proclaimed three times around the world. Mother has never said anything agianst this fact. NEVER!

IOO ~ In accordance to the Divine Principle

IOO ~ In accordance to the Divine Principle, the parent-child relationship is the reason that God created the Cosmos. The father-son relationship is the deepest of all. That was the relation between God and Jesus, according to True Father. If this is true, then the mother-son relationship must be next. It follows the logic of this discussion. All of this is well documented in Cheon Seong Gyeong. Our True Father often spoke quite strongly to his children. True Mother was always soft spoken in public. Living around the New York City cosmopolitan area all my life has given me opportunities that very few have been given. It has been a blessing and a privilege in my life of faith.
During this time, I had the blessing and privilege of knowing some of the True Family, especially the men. Hyo Jin Nim was quite strong, yet equally loving. Hyun Jin Nim I did not know personally; but, if you listen to him, there is no mistake he is his father's son. My children have a relationship with many of the True Children, both the sons and the daughters, even to this day. I also remember seeing Kook Jin Nim; and, had the chance to attend Kwon Jin Nim on occasion. Kwon Jin Nim and I even go back to a Yute game in the 70's; but, I am sure it is only a distant memory. It is not for his children to question the actions of the True Children, though. Many of those who are elders knows this very well. Some of the Koreans and the Japanese know better than even the Americans.
Today, everyone is upset as to some of the points Hyung Jin Nim has to say. He is actually quite loving and is his father's son, no doubt. In fact, I do not know any of the True Children who is more loving. On the other hand, Kook Jin Nim has always been a serious man. He is a business man who would give you the shirt off his back. All of the True Children would. So, please try to understand the Anointing of Moon Hyungjin and Yeon Ah Nim as the Ineritors for True Parents. There is no one else eligible. Ask the True Children. They all know I am sure.
Unless someone shows me in a speech that Mother is against that what her sons are doing in the Pocono Mountains of PA, I will stay with this quest. Otherwise, there is no reason to give up what I am doing on a daily basis. I leave it up to you. Opinion is not a fact. Everyone has an opinion these days; most of all me. Peace!

IOO ~ The True Parents are the reason to wake up each day

IOO ~ The True Parents are the reason to wake up each day. The Holy Bible teaches, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind! (might)" (Deut 6:5, Matt 22:37) True Mother shall be a part of the eternal True Parents as the 'King and Queen of Peace for All Humanity.' As my eternal True Parents, how much more so the members of the True Family? Indeed, True Parents publically declared ~ Written, Signed and Proclaimed, that, Reverend Moon Hyungjin, and his lovely wife Yeon Ah Nim, as the beloved Inheritors of the mission of the True Parents. Recently, Yeonah Lee Moon has made a most gracious testimony in honoring our True Mother; as, Mother does not seem to be the root of the real problem, per se. Then, I ask, where is the problem these days?
From my observation, It has primarily come from negative spiritual influences from a variety of sources. To be fair, I may have contributed to some of those influences myself over the years. However, I am also willing to repent for my sins each day; by, the spiritual discipline of repentance in prayer, study of the Holy Bible and the Word of our True Father found in the depths of the Cheon Seong Gyeong, daily. How about you? Are those other of my beloved brothers and sisters willing to do the same? I pray each day for everyone of my eternal family are as willing to pray and study as I have been.
May God, True Parents and Jesus through the guidance of the Holy Spirit help bring each one of your footsteps closer to the building of Heavenly Father's eternal Kingdom of God each day. Amen ~ Aju!